For instance, Telegram users are experiencing app block or ban. There can be several reasons behind the ban on your account. For instance, it could be because of unwanted ads, inviting too many users on the channel, links to third-party sites, etc. Anyone of such violations or some other can lead to your account getting banned. In this post, we will talk about how you can unblock yourself if you have a banned Telegram account or banned from a group. So, without wasting any more time, let us just get right into it:
Reasons for Getting Banned
As mentioned above, there are multiple ways via which you can get banned on Telegram. Some of the popular ways of getting banned include posting spam content, links, sending advertised courses, game links or products, etc. Spamming is one of the most effective ways if you are looking to get yourself banned on Telegram (sarcasm!). Moreover, there are several users reportedly getting banned for not committing any violation of rules. This can happen to anyone and might be related to admin-side issues. So you should avoid it. It is always better apps like Telegram for making your life easier. This will negate the need of worrying about something utterly useless. Don’t use such platforms for spamming.
Duration of the ban
Well, there is no set timeframe for how long you stay banned. It depends on the type of violation that you have committed. If you have been banned for a mere two or three messages, then the ban might get lifted in 2-3 days. On the other hand, if you are banned from message bombing, then it may take some weeks. Besides, based on the severity of the violation, your account could be banned for a long time or forever. Note that there are some easy way outs if your account gets banned as you can register with another number. But that is not the point here. One should always use the apps with responsibility and make use of platforms for which they are designed and not for any other purposes.
How to Check if your Account is Banned?
As already mentioned, you can either be banned for underserved reasons or deserving reasons. If you believe that you have been banned on Telegram for the unwanted reason without committing any mistake, then follow the steps below:
What Can you Do to Unban your Account?
If you have been banned for a valid reason then, the best thing that you can do is to wait for the ban to get over. However, if the ban is imposed for a long time then another best route is to change the number and create a new account. You can also write your problem to the Telegram support team and explain your side of the story and hope that the ban gets lifted. There are cases where the ban gets imposed for no reason. For instance, if you are inviting all your family and friends to a party, then you should send an email to [email protected] and describe in detail the reason behind sending multiple invitations. It is quite weird that you have to explain to a third-party about the reason for inviting your friends and family members. Personally, I would never ask anyone, especially Telegram, to let me send invitations to anyone I like. I would probably delete Telegram and use WhatsApp or message app to do just that instead of explaining things to Telegram. However, there are some rules and regulations regulated by app developers to keep the sanity of their application, which the users should definitely abide by.
How to Rejoin the Banned Telegram Group?
Create a New Telegram Account with the Same Number by deleting your current telegram account to remove the ban So, that’s it from my side in this post. I hope you liked this guide on how you can un-ban your account on Telegram. If you’ve any thoughts on Telegram Account Banned from Groups | How to Unban?, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!